MNS Group

IT Help Desk

When it comes to technology, handling everything in-house is a costly and time-consuming proposition. Sure, local IT staff can spend all their time solving small issues and tracking down big tickets, but aren’t they more valuable as strategic innovators and C-suite partners? At MNS Group, we offer IT help desk services designed to take the burden off local IT and provide the immediate, actionable feedback your business needs to stay competitive.

Help Desk Basics

Never used an IT help desk company before? We’re here to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Think of it like this: Instead of calling in local IT or submitting “tickets” for in-house IT issues, staff simply contact MNS Group experts for help. Our team of trained and dedicated experts guide employees through the process of identifying their issue, resolving the problem and logging all relevant data. From problems with desktops and cloud computing portals to questions about network access and data permission, we’re equipped to handle any technology problem your staff encounters.

Head and Heart

Tired of those nerdy technicians who just spout jargon? Frustrated by those patronizing voices that don’t have any know-how behind them? So are we. It’s a classic conundrum — highly trained help desk staff may use terms and acronyms that aren’t familiar to front-line employees; and may be inflexible when it comes to evaluating problems and suggesting solutions. The other side of the coin? Outsourced help desk services that offer low prices but don’t have the quality of personnel needed to assist employees in real time. As a result, staff are frustrated by stock answers and unable to effectively solve problems.

We understand the frustration, and we’ve designed a better way. Our help desk is staffed with experts who have both the technical knowledge and the interpersonal skills to help you in a practical and pleasant way. More importantly, our help desk staff is backed by many years of experience, allowing us to effectively solve your technical issues, so you can get your job done.

Communication Options

You have a question. We’re here to help. Contact our help desk support through any of these channels:

Text — Send us an SMS and we’ll reply as soon as possible to address your issue and discover an actionable solution.

Email — Still the corporate communication standard, we always have someone monitoring and replying to help desk emails so you’re never in the dark.

Phone calls — Some problems need a direct line of communication. Call us, and let our experts walk you through IT challenges.

Apps — Leverage our app to quickly report your issue, connect with experts and discover IT solutions.

Desktop icons — Why leave your desktop to get started? Double-click on our desktop app and get the help you need, when you need it.

Bottom line? We’re available to help wherever, whenever and using whatever channel works for you.

Tracked Interaction

How are you using IT help desk services? What kind of calls are the most common, and what’s the resolution time? At MNS Group, we understand the value of data in both day-to-day decision making and long-term planning. To ensure you’re always equipped with the information you need, every help desk interaction is recorded so your management team can understand how your organization is being supported. For example, are staff experiencing high-frequency issues with network logins or access? By recording and reporting this data, you not only gain visibility into the value of help desk support but are better equipped to diagnose large-scale problems — underlying network infrastructure may be responsible for widespread access issues and hardware upgrades may resolve the issue.

As a result, our detailed reporting and transparency protocols allow you to tune your organization’s use of IT services, address broader tech challenges and gain the greatest value from our ongoing partnership.

Ready to empower staff with responsive and reliable IT help desk services?

Contact Us

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