MNS Group

Training Solutions

Timely | Relevant | Flexible 


Technology changes rapidly- and the tools are amazing!- if your staff is able to use them effectively. MNS Group helps equip your team with on-point, easy-to-understand training where and when you need it. The training is updated every month- just in time to keep your staff on the influencer-edge of application understanding and utilization. 


Ongoing, consistent access to training is a benefit to that conscientious employers provide to their most valuable assets- their staff. We make it easy for you to offer thousands of training options! Maybe your employees are new to Office or Teams and training would allow them to more easily (and happily) opt in to the new way of working. Growth and change is a constant in business: when a key employee is promoted, coaching in professional development and PowerPoint may be the key that propels them success in their new role.  


MNS Group offers a variety of educational modalities to fit today’s workforce- live webinars, on-demand videos, and classes. Training can be scheduled on the employee’s time: there are 5 minute quick trainings, 30 minute and hour long webinars, as well as longer classes that are offered at levels from beginner to expert. A dashboard helps plan future classes, keep track of training completed, and see easily scan to see what is new. You and your staff can pick the best individual training to meet a specific need or curate a series of trainings for a deeper understanding of an application, or as preparation for a position or role.  

We get a kick out of seeing how well-trained staff are happier and more effective in their positions. We look forward to partnering with you to assist your staff. 

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